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A New Way of Working
  • Residents can do more over the phone
  • Clúid will be easier to deal with
  • A clear service offering
  • Helping residents who need it most.
Why are we changing?

Firstly, we’re getting bigger and we want to continue to improve our quality of service.

To provide more homes to people who need them and continue to offer quality services, we need to change how we do things.

By doing this now, we will ensure that we can continue to care for residents and colleagues into the future.

Secondly, we need to make it easier for residents to contact us and to get a quicker response when they do.

We want to constantly improve the services we deliver to you. We will be investing in new technology to provide new ways you can choose to interact with us. We have understood that your expectations include being able to resolve queries much faster, more easily and outside of ‘traditional office hours’.

When will this happen?
What changes will I see?

We will be making some changes on the 4th of November 2024.

These changes will be small and for the majority of residents, will not be visible. A small number of residents will have a new Resident Housing Officer.

If you have a tenancy related question, want to report ASB or want to speak with your Housing Officer, you will still phone the Contact Centre on 01 707 2088. If you have a property issue or want to log a repair, please contact our Clúid Works team.

If you are one of the residents who will be getting a new Resident Housing Officer, we will let you know this in advance. We will also let you know who your new Resident Housing Officer is and how you can get in touch with them.

You may not see any changes immediately but if you have a question about your rent account, you will now speak with one of our new Resident Accounts Officers. You can ask to speak with a member of the Rents Team by calling 01 707 2088.

To ensure that our Resident Housing Officers can bring most value to you when you meet, conversations about your rent account will now be done by our specialised Rents Team. This team can help you with questions about your rent account and arrange supports and payment plans for you if you have fallen into arrears.

What else is changing?
What will happen next?

We will be making more changes in 2025 and we will share these with you before we do so.

The supports available to residents who might need additional help are being strengthened. We have been piloting a Tenancy Sustainment Service. This service will now be available nationally to provide support to any residents experiencing difficulty managing their tenancy.

We are going to develop more ways for you to do more over the phone and ‘self-serve’ where that is your preference.

You have told us that you would like to be able to do more over the phone without the need to speak to anyone. We are currently developing new ways to contact us. This will include being able to check your balance or book a repair without needing to call the contact centre. We will be letting you know how you can get more involved next year..

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