If you are a victim of hate crime, you need to report this to the Gardai immediately by dialling 999 or 112, you must also let them know if you are concerned about your safety.

Hate crime is a criminal offence that is committed against a person or property, that is motivated by the victim’s ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, political opinion or disability.

If you report a hate crime to your local Garda Station, you can request the assistance of a specially trained Diversity Officer who can assist you through the process.

The Garda National Diversity and Integration Unit oversees the reporting and investigation of hate crimes across Ireland.

Racist Hate Crime

If you are the victim of a racist hate crime you can also report it on iReport.ie.

This website is separate from the Gardaí and is a tool for tracking racist incidents in Ireland. Many victims find it helpful to know that the full extent of what happened to them is recorded

Once you have reported it to the Gardaí, please contact Clúid. Please provide the Garda PULSE number and the Garda’s name so we can contact them and work with them to agree the next steps with you.

For further support, you can contact the Crime Victims Helpline.

Report Anti-Social Behaviour

Please report incidents of anti-social behaviour to Clúid by:

Email: cluid@cluid.ie

Phone: 01 707 2088

Address: 159-161 Sheriff Street Upper, Dublin 1, D01 R8NO

Please take note of dates, times, and detail of the incident. This will help your Housing Officer with their investigations. Download the ASB Log Sheet

If you have reported the incident to Gardaí, please request a PULSE number and the name of the Garda you dealt with.