When reporting anti-social behaviour, it is important to provide as much information as possible. Clúid will act in a fair and impartial manner to all parties and will only be able to act if there is evidence.

  • Providing detail helps Clúid’s investigations substantially and allows Housing Officers to gain a better understanding of the incident and the impact it may have had on associated households and communities.
  • If CCTV is available, it is very important that accurate dates, times, and locations are provided to Clúid to enable the investigation to be dealt with as quickly and as accurately as possible.
  • If Clúid bring a case to the Residential Tenancies Board, without strong evidence, it is most likely the case would be lost.
  • Therefore, we need you, your community and collaboration with relevant state agencies to successfully tackle anti-social behaviour.
  • Although you can anomalously report incidents of anti-social behaviour, it is important to note that it is exceptionally difficult for Clúid to investigate or act on anonymous complaints.
  • Therefore, if a case it brought to the residential tenancies board, in most instances, anonymous complaints will not be considered.

Reporting Anti-social behaviour and what information is required?

  • In the case of persistent anti-social behaviour, Clúid will provide you with log sheets and ask that you complete them when any issues of an anti-social nature arise.
  • You can download log sheets here or request them from our Contact Centre on 01 707 2088.
  • In the case of a one-off incident, Clúid may ask you to provide a written witness statement.

When completing a statement or log sheets, it is very important to include as much factual information as possible, to include;

  • Location of incident
  • Date and time of incident
  • Description of the incident
  • Details of those involved
  • Names / addresses of those involved
  • If this incident has happened before
  • If you had concerns for your safety or safety of any members of your household
  • If you reported the incident to any services such as Gardaí. If reported to Gardaí, please provide the PULSE number, which you can request from the Gardaí along with the name of the Garda you dealt with.
  • If you think the incident was aggravated by any other factors such as racial abuse, any form of hostility such as homophobia or based on disability
  • Details of any witnesses
  • The impact the incident has had on you and your household
  • Your contact details

It is important to note that it is exceptionally difficult for Clúid to investigate or act on anonymous complaints.

Report Anti-Social Behaviour

Please report incidents of anti-social behaviour to Clúid by:

Email: cluid@cluid.ie

Phone: 01 707 2088

Address: 159-161 Sheriff Street Upper, Dublin 1, D01 R8NO

Please take note of dates, times, and detail of the incident. This will help your Housing Officer with their investigations. Download the ASB Log Sheet

If you have reported the incident to Gardaí, please request a PULSE number and the name of the Garda you dealt with.